The Two Tuba Switch! Picture Book, Tuba & Character Toys - 20% OFF
A soft cover colorful fiction book that comes with a large tuba toy, 3 character toys that fits inside the Tuba Toy, a bookmark and a code to become a “Tuba Troop” member.
Dealing with shyness in children by making them feel more confident and special. This fanciful story of a boy who turns into a tuba is a perfect start! Ages 5-10
Retail price is $25
THE TOYS: Enhance imagination and creativity by role playing the educational messages.
A big Tuba toy that contains a set of soft and colorful character toys of our hero Mitch, Dad and Chair-Mitch.
Hey, you can even take them to the Bath!
* Dr. Toy.
* The Toy Man™ (Seal of Approval, Award of Excellence, and Editors Choice Award).
* The Toy Man® 50 Best toys of 2009
* AblePlay Seal of Approval for children with special needs.
THE BOOK: Fun book activities are embedded in this colorful soft cover picture book. Beautifully illustrated by Dave Hill.
Children identify with our hero, Mitch, who turns into objects whenever he is shy. Mitch learns about his own abilities after he gets lost as a tuba and befriends his shyness and a girl named Lee.
1. Soft cover story picture book.
2. Tuba toy and a set of character toys - Dad, Mitch & Chair-Mitch.
3. ‘‘How to….bookmark‘‘
4. A code to become a ‘‘Tuba troop‘‘ member.
Complies with new safety regulations ASTM F963-7
This product provides you (parents, therapists, teachers) the means to play and socialize with children and assist them to deal with social challenges in their daily lives, like overcoming shyness in children. This is also a perfect activity for homeschooling.
A free lesson plan about Shyness in Children is provided at our Educators page:
Recommended for 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, Angela V. onesmilemonkey Blog
‘‘This product would make a wonderful holiday gift for children struggling with shyness and even if they don‘t struggle with it, the story is beautiful and a great social and emotional experience.‘‘
The Two Tuba Switch
All together fun and a social emotional learning experience as never before!